photo from LIFE Magazine
Did you know Sigmund Freud was a true romantic? At 26, the future father of psychology fell fast for 21-year-old Martha Bernays and they soon became engaged. In hopes of creating a better life for his bride-to-be, he quit his job in a science lab and worked tirelessly for four years to become a doctor. The pair was then married and went on to have six children.
Freud only visited the United States once, and it took a lot of begging to get him there. In 1909, American psychologist G. Stanley Hall invited Freud to come speak at Clark University. Freud originally declined, but after a lot of persuasion, Hall finally got Freud to consent.
The death of Sigmund Freud was controversial. After smoking up to 20 cigars a day throughout his lifetime, he was diagnosed with mouth cancer. After more than 30 surgeries, it was deemed untreatable. Freud asked his doctor to end things. After three doses of morphine, Freud died on September 23, 1939 at 83 years old.
Throughout Freud’s life, he was an infamous yet esteemed man that helped in the development of psychology. He was revolutionary in his field, and still remains widely famous for his findings and teachings among modern psychologists today.
Source: psychology.about.com