Laura Layden | Naples Daily News
Plans for a new Costco in Southeast Naples are quietly inching ahead.
While Costco has yet to confirm its interest, it has two companion petitions working their way through Collier County’s development review and approval process.
Ultimately, both petitions will require approval from a county hearing examiner.
One request is for an insubstantial change to a planned unit development. The other is for a waiver to the separation requirements for gas stations.
“Neither can be approved without the other’s approval,” said Sean Sammon, the county planner assigned to the project.
It appears the project will not require approval by the Collier County commission. That’s because gas stations and general merchandise stores are already allowed within the Hacienda Lakes PUD where the land sits.
The location is a forested site at the corner of Collier Boulevard and Rattlesnake Snake Hammock Road.
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